Friday, May 23, 2008


Well before I get to what I originally wanted to write about I completely forgot to mention one of my friends.
His name is Nate and despite his violent tendencies and disgusting hair he's still pretty cool. His best attribute is also his worst; once he makes a decision or formulates an opinion, no matter how backwards or wrong, he fuck'n sticks to it like glue. He is the only one among my friends who has actually played most of my favorite games so I can actually talk to him about them. He is also a founding member of LTP (We all shook Sinatra's hand on that one folks) and also one of my best friends.
Well now that that's out of the way I can focus on what I really wanted to talk about; Music.
I recently saw a live performance from Usher on Dancing with the Stars and I think that all of my sensory organs simultaneously began to scream in pain. First off he wasn't even singing (which I have simply come to expect from most singers these days), also he snd his "posy" were doing this awful dance routine which wasnt even on beat with Usher's shitty music, and to top it all of when he was done he fired of like a billion gang signs (half of which were definately "rock, paper, sissor" moves) and said something to the effect of "let's see ya'll beat that".
The whole thing made me want to listen to Queen for an I did. I realized during that shitfest that If performers in the 60's, 70's, and 80's were as terrible as that and just wrote the same song over and over they would not only be poor but also killed by angry fans. Singers like Usher and Kanye West compleatly ruin and clog the music industry with there shit but on the other hand It's the people who actually want and demand this garbage that keep it alive. I don't really know who I should blame for this, but I do know that it's only gonna get worse before it gets better.

David "set up us the bomb" Bishop

Monday, May 19, 2008

And now for the unimportant ones

Alright well since the last post was was a ridiculous monster made of words and satire I failed to describe my more...forgettable friends (nah i'm just kiddin').

I guess I'll start with Chealsea because she'll write horrible things about me if I don't. Among the ...Intresting characters I have to look at every day she might be the most... OKAY SCREW IT SHE'S NUCKING FUTS!!! Okay well to be fair she is a kickass artist and pretty fun to talk to because of how increadably stupid she is. She is rather confused about how this little thing called "Za Wurldo!" (thats the world) works and maybe when she realizes that dates don't come out of the ground she might become a functioning member of society.

Well I won't say too many bad things about Lizzy because her man whore Zak is sitting right next to me and he might whine at me very loudly. When I first met her I got a "wierd vibe" from her but after a little while I got used to her and she's pretty cool. she's somewhat funny and a bleivable insite into life at public school (i'm obscenely rich).

Well thats it for ya. See ya next episode!

David "Got it memorized" Bishop

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Better never than late...what?

Well I wasn't planing on making this blog but since all the uncool kids were doing it, (you know who you are) I felt extremely pressured to do it anyway. I'll probably just use this blog to randomly rant or talk about shit that happens in the life and times of the great David. Don't expect me to update too frequently because I'm super lazy/busy.
Well, I better start this shit off right by introducing myself and maybe a few of my friends.
The names David. I'm your typical high school student minus the social ineptitude that comes from dumping your entire reason for living into My space, gossip, and prom worship. I enjoy hangin' out with my friends, good music, and at least one intelligent conversation per day.
My days are filled with a rather...interesting cast of characters who keep things quite...interesting and have given me a rather...interesting collection of mental scars. Lets start off with Zak. As far as looks go he might as well be me from an alternate universe where everything is white and uncoordinated...and covered in sugar. We usually have the same opinions on subjects and when our powers of humor combine we form a huge pile of retarded comedic relief. He's fun to hang out with and one of my best friends.
Dylan is pretty much the eternal counter to Zak's every attribute and opinion besides music and most social niches. 90% of my intelligent conversations are with him and while we don't always see eye to eye we do respect each others opinions and can agree on most things. Dylan is also one of my best friends and when we three get tired of sitting around talking to each other we make you tube videos and pretend we are contributing to society as Lonely Trapezoid Productions!
Well this post is getting very long so I will end here. I'll introduce my other friends later and maybe even tell ya the meaning o' life.

David "the sexy one" Bishop